Hrvatsko društvo za Alzheimerovu bolest i psihijatriju starije životne dobi
Knjiga: MENTAL HEALTH AS PUBLIC GOOD – Psychosocial interventions in mental health

Knjiga: MENTAL HEALTH AS PUBLIC GOOD – Psychosocial interventions in mental health

Ova knjiga psihosocijalnih postupaka zasnovanih na dokazima (evidence based) izdana je za vrijeme hrvatskog presjedanja Vijećem EU. U tijeku je i prijevod na hrvatski jezik. Dio knjige čine i primjeri dobre prakse prikazanih psihosocijalnih postupaka.

The Republic of Croatia holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1st January 2020 to 30rd June 2020. During its presidency, Croatia set its health priorities, in accordance with the health policies advocated by the EU. (Taking forward the Strategic Agenda – 18-month Program of the Council (January 1st 2019 – June 30th 2020 Available on One of the health priorities that the Republic of Croatia singled out during its presidency is: the promotion of lifelong care for the health of the individual. As part of this priority, the protection of mental health is one of the most important priorities in public health care to ensure optimal access to health care for all EU citizens. Health is of particular importance, especially in the circumstances that marked Croatia’s presidency of the EU Council, such as the COVID19 pandemic and the earthquake in Zagreb on March 22nd, 2020. During its presidency, Croatia decided on the topic of mental health in order to emphasize the importance of mental health as a public good and to encourage the implementation of EU strategies and recommendations in the field of mental health. 

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