Hrvatsko društvo za Alzheimerovu bolest i psihijatriju starije životne dobi




COVID-19: Review of a 21st Century Pandemic from Etiology to Neuro-psychiatric Implications INTRODUCTION The report of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 has registered 15,785,641 confirmed cases globally and 640,016 deaths as of July 26, 2020 [1].  The first case of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was reported by Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist inWuhan China in December 2019. This respiratory disease presented similar symptoms to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV) in 2003. It was later named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [2]. COVID-19 affects every age group; however, the elderly are more prone to a severe symptom display and have a higher mortality

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This film is a story about what life under lockdown has been like for people using or providing mental health services, and especially for those living in social care homes. The story captures the voices of service users and mental health professionals in Croatia, which illustrates well the experiences across Europe as a whole during the COVID-19 crisis.

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MHPSS platform – new dedicated page to frontline workers

Dear Colleagues, Good Morning! I hope that you are all keeping well. I am writing to you  about the new update to the mental health and psychosocial support platform we launched some two months back. We now have a new page dedicated to frontline workers. Please see here. Every day, frontline workers are risking their personal health and lives to keep us safe during COVID-19 and always. So, we dedicated this page on our platform to help them deal with the immense pressure and stressors they are facing due to high work demands, strict bio-security measures, fear, and consequences to personal and family life.

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Alzheimer Europe recommendations on promoting the wellbeing of people with dementia and carers during the COVID-19 pandemic Our opinion on … Introduction The current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, which has now reached pandemic scale, is affecting millions of people across Europe and beyond in different ways. Physical distancing (frequently referred to as “social distancing”) is currently being recommended or enforced in most countries, and some cities, regions and countries are in lockdown. In this statement, Alzheimer Europe looks at some of the key issues and challenges faced by people with dementia, informal carers, and health and social care professionals, and provides some recommendations. Many people with dementia are older and hence at greater risk of being adversely

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